Monday, April 9, 2012

Blog Feedback

This is the spot for Ed Tech classmates to provide feedback on my blog as it is today.


  1. Is the blog easy to read? Yes

    Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes I like that color of blue. Basic font style.

    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Yes, isn't much on blog, seems a little plain. Maybe add some pictures of family or your interests.

    Does the blog have all appropriate elements? Doesn't include profile picture, or bio.

    Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used?
    Yes, well done.

    Does the title of the blog make sense? Yes, the title makes sense to me. (I had to google it first).

    Additional comments? I like your avatar, and your blog is nice! I would just add some more color or pictures perhaps to make it more interesting.

  2. Is the blog easy to read? Yes good job

    Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes I like blue. Not to bright just right.

    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Yes. Maybe add some picture of your family and your friends. Add some pictures of your vacation.

    Does the blog have all appropriate elements? Add a little picture on the tool bar and a bio.

    Are correct spelling, punctuation and grammer used? Good job

    Does the tile of the blog make sense? Is the title what you want to teach.

    Additional comments? I like the blog, but add more picture of you and your family.

  3. Is the blog easy to read? Yes, very easy to read and follow.
    Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes, I like your choice of colors.
    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Yes, good job on this.
    Does the blog have all appropriate elements? I didn't see your photo. It just shows an x, not sure why.
    Are correct spelling, punctuation and grammar used? Yes, no errors noted.
    Does the blog title make sense? Yes, it shows the area you're interested in.
    Additional comments? I like your Voki! It looks cool the way that only half of of it visible.

  4. Is the blog easy to read? Yes, very!

    Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes, very nice. Soothing like Tyler's. Gentle on the eyes!

    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? yes, very straightforward

    Does the blog have all the appropriate elements : description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these). Yes it does!

    Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used? Yes

    Does the title of the blog make sense? Yes, once I read the
    "About Me" section. I like the poem.. had to check out the meaning of feral that coincided with fearful - I kept thinking of feral cats - but it was a good learning experience!

    Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger) The "About me" section being vertical is a little difficult to read but that's the only thing that I would maybe change.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i. Is the blog easy to read? yes but for the about me section it might be easier to read if it was under all of your other blog posts instead of along the right side.
    ii. Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes.
    iii. Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Yes
    iv. Does the blog have all the appropriate elements : description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these). Yes but the class introduction blog explanation could use more information.
    v. Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used? Yes I didn't see any errors when I read through it, but I'm a math teacher so don't take my word for it :)
    vi. Does the title of the blog make sense? Yes since you explain your title in your about me section.
    vii. Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger)I enjoyed the blog and really like the color choices.

  7. Is the blog easy to read? yea the colors are easy and nice

    Are the colors/fonts appropriate? yes very easy on the eyes

    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? yeps flows nicely

    Does the blog have all appropriate elements? yeps, picture and about me is there

    Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used? I didn't notice anything

    Does the title of the blog make sense? Of course it dose, you had all the appropriate assignments.

    Additional comments? Good job i liked your slide show btw good background on yourself.

  8. Is the blog easy to read?
    ~ yes
    Are the colors/fonts appropriate?
    ~ I like the color of your posts titles and the background color.
    Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate?
    ~yes the blog is very easy to navigate.
    Does the blog have all the appropriate elements: description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, and post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these).
    ~I saw everything that was required.
    Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used?
    ~Yes grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct.
    Does the title of the blog make sense?
    ~the title is very original. Good!
    Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger)
    ~good job on your blog!

  9. i. Is the blog easy to read? Yes.
    ii. Are the colors/fonts appropriate? Yes.
    iii. Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Very easy.
    iv. Does the blog have all the appropriate elements : description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these). All seem to be there.
    v. Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used? Yes.
    vi. Does the title of the blog make sense? Yes, once the "About Me" section explains it.
    vii. Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger) I would try to re-size the "About Me" section (it is a little too vertical). Great Blog!

  10. i. Is the blog easy to read? Yes.
    ii. Are the colors/fonts appropriate?Yes.
    iii. Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? Great layout.
    iv. Does the blog have all the appropriate elements : description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these). There is all elements on the blog.
    v. Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used?Yes
    vi. Does the title of the blog make sense? Yes
    vii. Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger) Are you trying to have your Voki peeping, that's a great idea.

  11. i. Is the blog easy to read? Yes
    ii. Are the colors/fonts appropriate? yes, I really like the peach/orange colors
    iii. Is the spacing and layout easy to navigate? yes
    iv. Does the blog have all the appropriate elements : description of blog purpose, “about me” section describing the blogger, post with presentation, post with review of three blogs the blog author enjoys. (There may be more posts, but at minimum, they should have these). All included
    v. Are correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar used? yes
    vi. Does the title of the blog make sense? yes
    vii. Additional comments? (anything that stands out in particular, any questions you may have for the blogger)Maybe move ABOUT ME to top so others don't have to scroll to the bottom to see it. Picture of yourself might be better seen towards top of screen as well. Just a thought! But an overall really neat blog!
