Friday, April 20, 2012

One educational technology article which came out in the past month that I found interesting is available at:
It is titled "Is Reverse Instruction Technology's Perfect Storm." I have been interested in learning more about the process of "flipping the classroom" since viewing the 60 Minutes piece on Khan Academy.  To define its advantages,"“reverse instruction” is the idea of having students consume learning content (i.e. ‘the lecture’) outside of the classroom, usually as homework, thereby freeing up valuable face-to-face classroom time to reinforce materials and work on assigned work (work that may have been homework in the traditional classroom)."
The author suggests that the educational technology movement has suffered some setbacks because of problematic implementation, i.e. purchasing Smartboards for every classroom in some schools, while failing to train teachers to use them.  Because "reversed instruction" doesn't require a great initial, financial committment and teachers will be able to adapt it at their own rate of readiness, the author called it "the superman instructional technology idea that we’ve been waiting for"

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