Thursday, May 10, 2012

The following links to a list of Pros and Cons to Distance/Online learning that was generated by students in the Educational Technology course in which I'm currently enrolled: Personally, I feel that the younger the student, the less effective online learning can be. College students are likely to reap the maximum benifits it has to offer but for grade school, middle and high school students, DL is very often not a satisfactory choice. The social component of a traditional classroom, with a teacher present to nurture children's emotional development, is something that computers can't match. Although use of online learning games may motivate even the youngest learner, the satisfaction of winning a game can never match the value to children of personal affermation from adults. In addition to the time spent with parents, young people need time each day to enteract with a variety of positive role models from their community. Many of the advantages to DL come with matching disadvantages. For instance, while DL might foster academic autonomy and time-management in one child, another child may be unable to develop these traits due to personal differences and learning style-preference, and therefore, be unable to succeed in a DL environment. From interacting with other human beings, young people learn a variety of skills, beyond academics, that contribute to their future success. In order to become responsible adults, capable of effective communication, collaboration, confilict mediation and confidence,children must enteract with a variety of adults and peers on a daily basis.

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