Friday, May 11, 2012

An Online Presence

I performed a Pipl search on myself this week and found that the site simply pools information already available in various public records. It is uncomfortable to see all of this content, including; phone number, current and previous addresses including aerial views, next-of-kin, and associated photos made available so easily, however, it wasn't as bad as I had expected when we were shown the in-class sample by our instructor. For one thing, I had no photos associated with my name, so that was a relief. Sponsors listed on the sidebars claim of offers access to school, criminal and financial records but I guess this is just to information that would already be listed elsewhere such as schools attended, not as specific as grades received. I think there are privacy laws protecting most of our information from view but it is still uncomfortable to know that websites such as this are now part of everyone's "online presence."

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